今日行程: 棉堡-阿芙羅迪亞斯-棉堡
Pamukkale -- Aphrodisias-- 博物館-- Pamukkale
圖: 該日行程
早上一早就起床吃早餐,立刻再探棉堡以及Hierapolis 古城。
圖: Hierapolis 地圖精要
圖: 早上從飯店向遠處照去 (今天起得早!)
圖: 先來到石灰棚山下 Pamukkale 小城商店,補給泡溫泉裝備。旁邊就是美景。(Panorama)
圖: 小鴨子動作整齊劃一,模樣煞是可愛!
圖: 進棉堡,到石灰棚必經之 聖城 Hierapolis 遺址 ---阿波羅神殿遺址 (對照其他人先前的網誌,右邊那三根柱子,好像是新近重建的? 有人知道嗎?)
圖: 先來到棉堡溫泉,就在古溫泉(已改為博物館)附近,聽說底下就是古蹟
圖: 想像一下,跟倒在水裡的千年希臘羅馬柱一起游泳 ...... 不是啦 我關心的是 會不會踢傷腳啊?
圖: 本團最有身價帥哥奮勇下水,為國爭光 --- 蛟龍終非池中物
圖: 土妹是來泡溫泉,還是引誘我們林總的?
圖: 博物館對面,不知名的遺跡
圖: 沿著步道,欣賞早上的石灰棚
圖: 早上的石灰棚(Paranoma)
圖: 石灰台階,淡黃色的不知道是不是硫磺? 因不能下去,無法判斷(也沒聞到味道)
老婆註: 據說已前棉堡裡面是有旅館的,旅館的汙水就直接排入石灰棚,以至於白色石灰棚就此變色了。後來土耳其政府拆了旅館,而變色區就讓它乾涸,希望藉由曬太陽讓它白回來。
圖: 近看碳酸鈣沉澱
圖: 考古博物館。好東西都在這裡啦! (就在溫泉旁--- 這裡也是古浴場所在地)
圖: 一路上都是古聖城遺跡...
圖: 散落一地的石材,近看似乎是: 主要成份石英(白)、長石(黃、粉紅)、黑白雲母,那麼不就應該是黑白色系的花崗岩吧? (除非外面的黑白黃部份,都是外來雜質?)
圖: Hierapolis 北浴場 Basillica-Baths (原是浴場 後被改為教堂)
北浴場建於西元3世紀,在北門之外,西元6世紀時被改為 Basillica.
再往前去就是Necropolis 死亡之城(polis 希臘字 城市之意 necro 死亡之意),就是古代公墓。
此溫泉從公元前二世紀就吸引各國人士,成為有錢人家療養之用,人們來此治療疾病,其中部份人終老或病死於此,最終總是要來這Necropolis報到... 龐大的墓地,據說有1200座各式各樣石棺(Sacrophagus),希臘式、拜占庭式都有。
圖: 勸君更進一杯酒... 壯膽! 前方就是古墓地 Necropolis
圖: "前輩"眾多... 雖然小弟號稱5兩8,還是不敢待太久! 折回頭吧。
Well, anyway, 既然來了,還是要得負責介紹一下石棺: 古羅馬從哈德良以後(公元117年-138年), 喪葬漸以土葬代替火葬。
據Abdu 說,太陽曝曬下的石棺裡面溫度很高,有助於孳生細菌,提前屍體的腐化過程... 使用石棺? 當然是權貴、豪門的特權啦! 究竟裡面躺的人有多顯赫,要注意看石棺的材質、上面的浮雕、當然還有墓誌銘了。 墓誌多半寫的是希臘文,完全看不懂,只好從另外兩項下手。另外,這裡石棺有幾種樣式(從路邊說明,我們至少看到 A1-A18 共18 種款式以上)。
圖: 這位"前輩"睡的是 A18型的,西元一世紀流行。
"本型號"外觀特徵: 頂上有小寺廟形狀,至於"內裝",就不特別介紹了。 墓身(土黃色多孔隙)是本地產的石灰岩,搭配一些較貴重的花崗岩(黑白黃黑顆粒相間、花花的石頭--- 對,就是像花生糖那種! ) 做底座及寺頂的裝飾。有一些些簡單浮雕。
圖: 這款式是 A6型, 1-2世紀盛行,U型墓身。
這口墳主要還是石灰岩材質。愈有錢有勢的,會使用愈多遠處來的貴重石材,如花崗岩、大理石等,同時石棺外面浮雕愈多。那你一定奇怪,那為什麼這幾張照片都沒看到浮雕呢? 嘿嘿嘿!
圖: 遠眺北羅馬門與一堆廢墟
圖: 古市集靠在北邊之羅馬門--- "圖密善之門" --- 各個角度 (圖密善是羅馬皇帝 Domitianus)
圖: 遠眺圖密善之門 (Panorama) 以及市集
圖: 標示 Agora (市集)
圖: 市集旁邊有個公廁遺跡 (Latrina),根據標示應該就是此處(?)
圖: 仍是圖密善之門與市集遺跡
圖: 市集靠南邊,有個羅馬拜占庭式的門 (北羅馬門)
圖: 北(拜占庭)門,或北羅馬門
圖: 大劇場遠眺
圖: 麵包,有點份量,OK的!
圖: 地瓜也拿出來了... 嗯,看看鄉間都吃些啥,不過今天中午根莖澱粉類比重會不會過高啊? 後面還有一堆Pasta ...
圖: 應該不含塑化劑的果醬 (純水果做成)
圖: 大餅---裡面是某種蔬菜 (不是蔥!) 也還蠻特別的。
圖: Lahmacun 碎肉大餅
圖: Sure enough! 你沒猜錯, 土國名產---蘋果茶
圖: Mercimek Corbasi 扁豆湯... 有人喝了好幾碗(其實是今天早起,加上天冷坐外面,喝湯暖活... 別看不起眼, 味道還算爽口)
圖: "一曲歌王" 到處獻唱 "一隻蚊子哼哼哼 二個蒼蠅嗡嗡嗡 ..." (真的有這個詞哦,出自紅樓夢) 反複唱來唱去... 也不換歌... XD!
還是給了他一元 ... 看他唱得這麼"當真",將來必定是"一輪明月才捧出,人間萬戶仰頭看" 媽媽要不要考慮把女兒嫁給他?
圖: 不知名土菜
圖: Rae 幫我們加點一條大麵包 (沒那麼大...空心的啦)
圖: 烤肉串,看起來很好吃
圖: 古書有記載: 廚師施法 ,"吃油"作大霧,黃帝遂發明指南車?
圖: Three amigos ... 飯後,與Abdu 以及 "一曲歌王"合照 ... 說真的,Abdu這個人很盡責,我還挺喜歡他的!
圖: "含眠"又耍寶了 ~~~ 刺槍術... 預備~~~~
下午,驅車前往 Aphrodisias 參觀。 印象最深的是,進城還規定要換乘"現代牛車" --- "牽引機拉動的車輛",雖不解其意,但覺真神奇!
圖: 歡迎造訪 Aphrodisias
一進門就看到 Sebasteion。 原文介紹是這麼說的:
Sebasteion is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries that have been made in recent years. It was brought into daylight in 1979. It was built in 1C AD and was dedicated to Imperial Sebastos (Greek equivalent of the Latin Augustus).
Sebasteion consisted of a 14-meter-wide courtyard and two parallel three-storied porticoes with a length of 80 m, of half-columns on both sides. The north portico was highly damaged with the earthquakes of the 4th century; therefore many of the reliefs decorating its intercolumniations are missing. Each storey of the south portico had different column style. The first story was Doric; the middle was Ionic, and the third story, smaller Corinthian half columns.
圖: 反正Sebasteion就是用來崇拜羅馬皇帝Julius-Claudia 的 temple
Aphrodisias以大理石雕刻及維納斯女神廟聞名。 一世紀中葉以後,納入奧古斯都以及羅馬皇家保護。這裡有極優的採石場,所以本城市中心在1-2世紀,興建了很多大理石建築: 劇院、寺廟、浴場、以及本皇帝廟。 皇帝廟上的浮雕是用來紀念、歌頌、慶祝本城與羅馬皇帝Julio-Claudian王朝的親密關係,雕刻著有非常不尋常的希臘羅馬主題。這Sabasteion 是由當初極富裕的二個家庭捐獻經費,方能建成。
四面門有4列4排柱 亦即 4X4根柱子 (tetra = 4 pylon = gateway 希臘文的通道)。 它連結神廟跟主要街道。 上面雕有Eros 跟 Nike 的浮雕。
圖: 古時的大門, 叫四面門 Tetrapylon。顏色灰灰的石柱應該就是原來使用的本地大理石。淡土色的石柱應該是後來重建就地取材的石灰岩(我猜的,因為柱頭以上都是黑白大理石,合理嗎?)
圖: 四面門上精美的大理石雕塑。
圖: 四面門上有Aprhodite (希臘名,羅馬名叫維納斯)及其小兒子Eros 還有 Nike 雕像
她小兒子Eros是誰呢? 就是每4年總是代表希臘參加奧運射箭項目,成績永遠最後一名的那個--- 渾名叫 "小愛神邱比特"!
表: 希臘羅馬神名對照表。整理自香港網站(譯名可能和台灣慣用名稱有些出入)。
圖: 考古學家 Prof. Kenon T. Erim,因生前對本城貢獻良多,過世後特准其長眠於此,供後人景仰。我也趨前一鞠躬。
Temple of Aphrodite: (暫時無力翻譯)
The Temple of Aphrodite was located in the northern section and formed the centre of the city. All that remains of the ancient temple consists of fourteen of the over forty Ionic columns that once surrounded it and the foundations of the cellar section. Although the cult centre dates back to earlier times the temple whose remains we see today had begun to be built in the 1st century B.C. and is thought to have been completed during the reign of Augustus.
The temenos (temple precinct) was completed in the 2nd century during the reign of Hadrian. The building would appear to have been what is known as an octastyle temple with thirteen columns on each side and eight columns at front and rear. On some of the columns are inscribed the names of the donors who presented them to the temple.
The discovery of several mosaic fragments belonging to the Hellenistic period indicate the existence of an older temple on the same site, but with the conversion of the temple to a church in the 5th century all traces of the older building were erased. At the same time, the walls of the cellar containing the cult statues were removed and the building enlarged by moving the side columns outwards. Walls were added at the front and rear of the building to form an apse and nave. An apse and an atrium were added on the east and west.
No cult statue was found in the cellar but in 1962 a statue was found immediately outside it bearing all the characteristics of a cult statue and in the museum now. The goddess is wearing a long garment. One of the arms is stretched forward. The reliefs carved on the bands of the garment are very interesting. The sun god and moon goddess, the Three Graces with Aphrodite in the middle, Aphrodite and three Cupids seated on a goat with the tail of a fish are all symbols which frequently appear on various copies of the cult statue.
圖: Aphrodite 女神神殿 (就是維納斯女神)
Stadium: (暫時無力翻譯)
Located in the north end of the city, the Stadium is probably the best preserved and biggest of its type in Mediterranean. It is 262 m long and 59 m wide with 22 rows of seats. It has the capacity of 30.000 spectators.
The ends of the stadium are slightly convex, giving the whole a form rather suggesting an ellipse. In this way, the spectators seated in this part of the stadium would not block each other's view and would be able to see the whole of the arena.
The stadium was specially designed for athletic contests, but after the theatre was damaged in the 7th century earthquake the eastern end of the arena began to be used for games, circuses, wild beast shows and gladiatorial combats. During the Roman period the stadium was the scene of a large number of athletic competitions and festivals.
圖: 巨大的 Stadium 運動場。長260公尺 寬約60公尺,賽馬與競技之用,號稱可容納3萬人。
圖: 謬斯女神與面具
圖: 鎮殿之寶 Aphrodite of the City
圖: 這位總督的頭,據說常常更換 (雕像很容易斷頭)
圖: Achilles and Penthesiliea (阿幾里斯 與 亞馬遜女王)
圖: Bellerophon, 相傳是本城 Aphrodisias 創建者
圖: Anchises and Aphrodite
圖: Caesar Nero (尼祿皇帝) and Agrippina(阿格里琵娜).
圖: The Three Graces 掌管charm, beauty, and creativity 的三位希臘女神
下午回到飯店。 今天換上白床單,看起來人模人樣了... 距晚餐還久,先在飯店四周散散步,拍拍照,促進食慾。
終於凸顯出這家飯店的好處了--- 都沒有其他客人來搶設備,"唯獨"我們享用!!!